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Version: v2.0

JWT Authentication


Authentication is the process of confirming the identity of an individual, system, or entity. It involves verifying that the entity attempting to access a system or resource is indeed who or what it claims to be.

While other microservices might have a unique approach to authentication , you have the flexibility to incorporate different secret mechanisms. To achieve this, include the express.ts file. Duplicate the existing code, then proceed to modify and add the necessary logic according to your specific requirements.

However, on this page, our focus will be on exploring JWT authentication.


You can configure JWT settings within the eventsources/http.yaml. Here's an example of such a configuration:

issuer: ISS_KEY #iss
audience: AUD_KEY #aud
secretOrKey: SECRET_KEY

The provided snippet contains payload information and a secret key. Once the above snippet is added to the eventsources/http.yaml, authentication for all the events will be true by default.

Options which can be passed for JWT config are:


When configuring the JWT settings, if you do not provide either the secretOrKeyProvider or the secretOrKey property from the configuration options mentioned above, it will result in an error.

Additionally, if you specify an issuer or audience value in the configuration, and the token values differ from those specified in the configuration payload, the response will be 'Unauthorized.'

To ensure proper functionality, it is necessary to export these environment variables within your environment.

Access JWT payload in workflow DSL

You can access the complete JWT payload in <% inputs.user %> in workflow DSL as given below:

summary: Call an API and transform the 
- id: api_step1
description: Hit with some dummy data. It will send back same as response
data: <% inputs.body %>
jwt_payload: <% inputs.user %>