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Version: v1

Table of Contents

1. Preface
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Goals
1.3 Features
1.4 Tenets
1.5 Design principals
1.6 Framework architecture
1.7 Scenarios and use cases

2. Introduction
2.1 Developer's work

3. Setup
3.1 Getting started
3.1.1 Glossary
3.1.2 Pre-requisites
3.1.3 Steps to get started
3.1.4 Time to start the development

3.2 Project structure
3.2.1 Scaffolding & Project structure

3.3 Configuration
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Environment variables
3.3.3 Static variables

3.4 Tests
3.5 Auto watch and build
3.6 Debugger in yaml

4. CLI
4.1 Functionality
4.2 Installation
4.3 Options
4.4 Commands: Outside the dev container
4.5 Commands: Inside the dev container

5. Swagger Specs
5.1 CLI command to generate documentation
5.2 Custom Server URL

6. Events
6.1 Event types
6.2 Event schema & examples for supported sources
6.2.1 JSON schema validation
6.2.2 HTTP event
6.2.3 Kafka event

7. Workflows
7.1 The structure of workflows
7.2 The tasks within workflows
7.3 Location and fully qualified name (id) of workflows and functions
7.4 Referencing a workflow within an event or another workflow
7.5 Use of Coffee/JS for scripting

7.6 Inbuilt functions

7.7 Developer written functions
7.8 Headers defined at workflow level

7.9 File Upload feature
7.9.1 Workflow spec to upload files with same file key
7.9.2 Workflow spec to upload multiple files with different file keys
7.9.3 Workflow spec to upload file directly from URL

8. Datasources
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Datasource types

8.2 Datasources
8.2.1 Before and after hooks to datasource calls

8.3 API datasource
8.3.1 API datasource schema defined externally
8.3.2 API datasource schema defined within the yaml file
8.3.3 Headers defined at datasource level
8.3.4 Headers defined at task level
8.3.5 Example usage

8.4 Datastore as datasource
8.4.1 Schema specification
8.4.2 CLI Commands
8.4.3 Prisma Datastore Setup
8.4.4 Auto generating CRUD APIs from data store models
8.4.5 Sample datastore CRUD task

8.5 Kafka as datasource
8.5.1 Example spec

8.6 Elasticgraph as datasource
8.6.1 Folder Structure
8.6.2 Datasource DSL
8.6.3 Configuration files for elasticgraph
8.6.4 Elasticgraph Setup
8.6.5 Auto generating CRUD APIs for elasticgraph

8.7 Extensible datasources
8.7.1 Datasource definition
8.7.2 Example spec for the event
8.7.3 Example spec for the workflow

8.7 AWS as datasource
8.7.1 Example spec
8.7.2 workflow

8.9 Redis as datasource
8.9.1 Example spec

8.10 RabbitMQ as datasource
8.10.1 Example spec

9. Caching
9.1 Specifications
9.1.1 Datasource spec for redis
9.1.2 Configuration
9.1.3 Workflow spec

10. Mappings
10.1 Project structure
10.2 Sample mappings
10.3 Use mappings constants in other mapping files

11. Plugins
11.1 Project structure
11.2 Sample plugins
11.3 Sample workflow using plugins

12. Authentication & Authorization
12.1 Authentication
12.1.1 JWT Configuration
12.1.2 Event spec
12.1.3 Generate JWT
12.1.4 Datasource authentication

12.2 Authorization
12.2.1 Workflow DSL
12.2.2 Sample DB query call authorization

13. Telemetry
13.1 Introduction
13.1.1 Architecture

13.2 Goals
13.3 Configuration
13.3.1 OTEL exporter endpoint
13.3.2 OTEL service name

13.3.3 Logging Log level Log fields masking Log format Add custom identifiers in logs

13.4 Custom metrics, traces and logs (BPM)
13.4.1 DSL spec for custom metrics
13.4.2 DSL spec for custom trace
13.4.3 DSL spec for custom logs

13.5 Observability Stack
13.6 Recommended model for telemetry signals

14. Custom Middleware
14.1 How to add custom middleware in Godspeed

15. Roadmap

16. FAQ
16.1 What is the learning curve of the microservice framework?
16.2 What is the development process and quality metrics?
16.3 How can we adopt new versions of used technology easily and fast? For example, the new Postgres release.
16.4 How easy is it to add new technology in place of an existing one, or add something absolutely new and unique (not existing in the framework) ?
16.5 Which databases are currently supported? What is the roadmap for future support?
16.6 Does the API handle DB transactions?
16.7 How can apps be decoupled or loosely coupled with DBs?
16.8 When using Godspeed service alongside SpringBoot, what will be the impact on performance with another hop, versus direct connection with DB from Spring Boot?
16.9 What is the strategic advantage of making DB queries through Godspeed?
16.10 How to achieve multi-tenancy in DBs, for a single application?
16.11 How can we start adopting the Godspeed framework?
16.12 How to move out of the Godspeed framework? Can we have a two door exit? I.e. Can we move out of technology and data both?
16.13 How will we prevent unified CRUD API from limiting or choking us?
16.14 What kind of API standards does the framework support?
16.15 Why Rest first approach ? Why not Graphql first approach?
16.16 How are we doing testing given there is quite a bit of custom DSL in the framework. How do we ensure the correctness?
16.17 How will the upgrades and migrations be done to the framework?
16.18 How CRUD APIs will support the paid as well as the non paid features of databases such as MongoDB. For example: MongoDB free vs paid versions will support different features.
16.19 How to ship new models easily?